
midtoad.org Weathering with You (天気の子 Tenki no Ko) is a 2019 Japanese animated romantic fantasy film written and directed by Makoto Shinkai. It tells the story of Hodaka Morishima, a high school runaway who moves to Tokyo during an unusually rainy period, and Hina Amano, a girl who has the power to control the weather.   

A Rainy Tokyo and a Chance Encounter

Hodaka arrives in Tokyo during a time of persistent and record-breaking rainfall. Struggling to find work and a place to live, he eventually lands a job at a small occult magazine. While navigating the city’s rainy streets, he encounters Hina, a bright and cheerful girl who works part-time to support herself and her younger brother.   

Hodaka soon discovers that Hina possesses a remarkable ability: she can temporarily clear the sky and bring sunshine to specific areas. This power leads them to start a business where they fulfill requests from people who want to experience a brief respite from the constant rain.   

The Sunshine Girl and Her Power

As Hodaka and Hina’s “sunshine business” grows, they become increasingly popular, bringing joy and relief to the rain-soaked city. However, they soon learn that Hina’s power comes at a cost. Her ability to control the weather is tied to her own well-being, and with each use, she becomes more ethereal and fades closer to becoming one with the sky.   

The film explores the consequences of manipulating nature and the delicate balance between the human world and the natural world. The increasingly erratic weather in Tokyo serves as a backdrop for Hodaka and Hina’s growing relationship and the challenges they face.

A Love Story Amidst a Changing World

At its core, Weathering with You is a love story between Hodaka and Hina. Hodaka is drawn to Hina’s strength and kindness, and he is willing to do anything to protect her. Hina, in turn, finds solace and support in Hodaka’s unwavering belief in her.   

The film also explores themes of choice, sacrifice, and the importance of valuing personal connections over societal expectations. Hodaka is faced with a difficult decision: allow Hina to sacrifice herself to restore the weather to normal or choose to prioritize their relationship, even if it means the rain continues.   

A Visually Stunning and Emotionally Resonant Film

Weathering with You is a visually stunning film, showcasing Makoto Shinkai’s signature style of breathtaking backgrounds, vibrant colors, and detailed animation. The depiction of Tokyo during the rainy season is particularly impressive, capturing the city’s atmosphere and the impact of the constant rain. Radwimps’s music once again enhances the film’s emotional impact, creating a powerful and moving experience.   

Weathering with You received both praise and criticism upon its release. Some praised its beautiful visuals, emotional story, and exploration of environmental themes, while others criticized its pacing and some of its plot elements. Nevertheless, the film remains a significant work in Makoto Shinkai’s filmography and a visually captivating and emotionally resonant story about love and sacrifice in a world facing environmental changes.

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